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Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Review: Normal People

Normal People Normal People by Sally Rooney
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is not a plot driven novel, more a series of characterological explorations. Both protagonists she follows throughout a life-span. The book and Rooney's narrative is oddly engaging, though not powerful or compelling; I will not remember this book and nor has it shifted my perspectives or my life. Is this too much to ask from a novel? Yes and No. The most beautiful pieces of literature are enduring and pierces the heart, rendering me better for having read it. This book, I kept reading and finished only because my other 'orders' from the library had not yet arrived. The title is aptly named, "Normal People," she elucidates in almost mundane detail, which most of us will be able to relate to. It has pathos and tragedy, which is all the more engaging because the "pathos" she describes is all of our lives, in each one of us. The BDSM ethos described is not at all about sex, but more about the psychological elements of growing up that led up to her developing this part of herself. It will challenge those readers who have a definitive, judgy, and closed view of the BDSM community, hopefully recognizing that there are legitimate reasons why people are drawn to these practices. Rooney is a you g writer and I expect that as she hones her craft, she'll develop further. For now, this novel is a higher than average decent read.

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